Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare: 3Z Arena, Carowinds, USA
#supplying interactivity
When great Intellectual Property meets “on-location” gaming, a “blowing away” experience is expected! Especially as the theater setup is designed following the game structure: two teams fighting each other, individually and collectively… This is the perfect recipe for an exciting dueling theater!
For this setup, EA Games/PopCap had the perfect IP with Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare: 3Z Arena. Unsurprisingly, the whole concept immediately felt right for Cedar Fair ! The two room setup allows for a great capacity whilst providing a superior gameplay. The content is vivid and the collaboration with the PopCap developers to adapt this multilevel game platform to the specifics of a 4 minutes game experience (which you can play over and over again) was extremely smooth and enriching.
Since we wanted to go well beyond the video game approach and create a strong emotional connection between players and game characters, no efforts were spared in elaborating the theme experience.

« Alterface brought a ton of enthusiasm to the project and really immersed themselves in the world of Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare. This dedication was apparent in how the gameplay, animation, scenic and ride design all came together. It’s something that mom and dad can experience together with their kids and the competitive gaming aspect helps make it repeatable. Once you’ve fought on the Plants side, you want to do the Zombies side right after, and vice versa. At the end of the day, you know you’ve gotten it right when you see the smiles on family’s faces on their way out. »
Christian Diekmann, VP Strategic Growth, Cedar Fair Entertainment Company
Design: Alterface USA
Media Studio: Alterface
Footprint: 1097 m² (11808 ft²)
Throughput: 700 pph
Duration: 4 min.
Interactive device: Portable device
Number of Seats: 68
Seat Type: 1 DOF motion seat
Media: 3D
Special effects: Yes
Hall of fame: Yes
Special feature: Dueling gameplay, two 14’ x 26’ 3D screens;
Independent 5.1 surround sound