Unique mix of tournament, interactive gaming and motion As a market leader in interactive dark rides, Alterface proudly introduces its latest ride ‘Action League’. This...
SaltoTM Show Control empowers attractions with interactivity, driving all light, media, sound, special effects and other show elements Wavre, Belgium, 27 July 2020 – As a...
Make interactive technology accessible for everyone to enjoy Wavre, Belgium, 15 May 2020 – Alterface is known for its interactive dark rides across the globe....
Supported by new management team Etienne Sainton, Laurence Beckers, François Danhaive and Olivier Noel Gearing up for a new era of interactive attractions, the Alterface...
Highest number of target handling across dark ride attraction Wavre, Belgium, 19 November 2019 – Following a successful first season of its newest attraction Reese’s...
Highlights new frontier in balancing high-energy creative with successful investment’ (TEA Thea Awards Committee) Wavre, Belgium, 19 November 2019 – Alterface is proud that the...
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